Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

When I do a good job for someone, they sometimes include a nice Thank You note along with their payment. The following are written or verbalized comments made to me by a few of my recent customers.

Money well spent is a great feeling. I sincerely hope to achieve that for you if you decide to have me do work on your home!

~ James Schmitt, Longevity Painting


Thanks for the priming and painting work you performed on our home. I was impressed with the carpentry work that you did around the windows. Thanks for replacin the trim around the main deck window and selectively replacing a few other pieces of trim around other windows. Thanks for explaining why the trim was damaged in the first place and what we would do differently to prevent that damage in the future. I’m also glad you talked me into letting you pressure wash the cedar roof. It makes sense that the algae and moss holds moisture against the wood and that a clean surface would dry out faster and as a result, the roof would last longer. Besides, it looks nicer too.

We’ve already given your name out to two people we know. Feel free to use us as a reference. ”

John and Janet Francis
Bellingham, WA

“Thanks for the painting of our rental house and our home. We are very happy with both paint jobs. Bruce was impressed with the priming performed on the southeast and southwest walls of the rental home and the priming work you performed on the chimney of our home.”

Rachel and Bruce Morgan
Bellingham, WA

“Thanks for the well planned maintenance painting of our home. Since we were going to repaint the house the same colors, it made sense to us to paint just three sides of the house and to paint just the outside of the storm windows plus have some sanding and priming done to those parts of the house that get damaged the most from the sun and rain. We were impressed with your sanding work.”

p.s. our neighbors would like a bid from you

Jim and Lynn Reichart
Bellingham, WA


Thanks for the staining of the outside of my exceptionally tall home. I was most impressed that you were able to stain my home using ladders only. The other painters that I talked to didn’t really even want to bid on it. Also happy that you demonstrated to me the difference between just spraying stain on the wall versus heavily saturating the wall with stain, then brushing the stain into the cedar siding to seal knots and grain in the wood.”

Roland Trub
Bellingham, WA

“Thanks James for the wonderful work you did on our home. We are glad that we switched from a fixed price to paying you by the hour. The extra scraping and priming that you performed, we feel, will pay off in the long run and in the end the cost was not more than the other proposals. We do not feel that anyone else would have made as much of an effort to seal all the keyways or gaps between the shingles by hand with primer, as you did.

Also, the two young men you had working with you were polite and friendly. It was a pleasure to meet the three of you and to have you guys around the house for a week or two. Thank you!”

Sherry and Jerry Huffman
Bellingham, WA